Monday, October 03, 2005

High Level Job Looking for Individual With No Direct Experience

High Level J0b: Looking for Individual With No Direct Experience...

...Just make sure the boss knows you.

You want to know why companies, especially governments, are really inefficient, and broadly ineffective? I think the above lines speak for themselves.

Some call it cronyism. When people get hired not for their skills, expertise or experience, but because they are in an elite inner sanctum. Those who don't get hired, of course, get the same buh-bye line, "you just don't have the experience we are looking for." While the person who does get the job, most of the time has little to no direct experience.

Then, people: customers, clients, co-workers, CEO and others wonder why the company/government isn't working well. That's what happens when one is hired for their connections and not their experience and skills.

All that talk about midwestern ethics is true, many in the midwest are hard working individuals. Many times the hardest workers are the ones at the bottom of the todem pole. And there is a reason for that. It's just about synonymous with rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

It's not as much about working hard as it is about working smart. If you want to move up in the world, it is about connections and showing your best off, if you will, not all the time but at the right times. The Bush Administration exemplifies this standard.

This is why the Democratic Party is so stagnant at this time. They are like the hardworking peons, I mean people. They are the ones who stand make results for those they serve. However, the higher ups (right now the Republicans) are the ones who may talk the talk, but do very little to make an impact for those they serve, except when they do it best and then they talk that up, a lot. And they may even take credit for the work of the peons, which is most of the time. Take note.

The only place hardworking, honest people are paid and rewarded appropriately for their work is, hopefully, in heaven. Don't expect it here on earth.

So, what do you value as an employer? What do you value as an employee? What is the worth of your company/government based on? How do you translate that worth to your employees/co-workers? Does your employees/employer think the same way? Think of these things next time you hire/vote someone to a post in your company/government, or take a job somewhere.

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