I've always enjoyed watching The Daily Show for its ability to poke fun at the obvious, and last night Jon Stewart delivered the blatantly obvious to his guest, Mr. Bill O'Reilly (aka O'Really) from Faux (formerly Fox) News (you know, the fairly unbalanced news network).
The proverbial sparks began with Colbert's french name, and O'Really spewed his hate France agenda. Stewart then asked "why so angry?" The sparks flew when Stewart began to sting O'Really about "fighting the bad guys" and the media's inability to investigate the Iraq War. As O'Really retorted his rhetoric, Stewart, in his finest hour, whispered "they didn't find the weapons of mass destruction."
O'Really's response wasn't that of backing the president or mentioning anything about getting Iraq back on its feet. Nooooo. O'Really showed his true colors with his "you believe that leftist crap" comment. That kind of comment really shows who you are, O'Really. You are a Bushie/neocon loyalist media whore. Whoa, did I really say that? (This is probably why Stewart did not reply to O'Really's leftist comment.)
Ok, ok. O'Really, if you really weren't a media whore, then you would have stuck to the issues at hand and made intelligent comments on a truthful statement. But noooo, you played the bully on the playground and attacked a group of people that had nothing to do with the topic at hand. (Pssst. The true left in this country did not want to be in this Iraq War in the first place. Secondly, the fact there were no WMDs was not a fabrication of the leftists, it is fact. Unlike the fabrications that led us into this war in the first place.)
And I can't forget to mention Stewart's wonderful analog of France as Charlie Brown's Marcy. Yeah, O'Really, stop fighting with Marcy and go after Lucy.
Bravo, Jon Stewart!
On to The Colbert Report. Stephen Colbert shows how incredibly cocky he can be while delivering his version of pertinent issues of the day. Somehow I smell the essence of the old Daily Show anchor Craig Kilbourne in this revitalized version of Colbert. That poise of confidence when a man wears cologne that overwhelms a room when they enter. It's that sort of testosterone fever right before they trip on their ego. It's funny alright. But, just as Kilbourne over-did it, Colbert better watch his step so he doesn't fall prey to his ego, too. (In layman's terms, his delivery would be better if he'd just tone it down a bit.) I'm sure I'll either get used to it, or he'll just go back to being the expert reporter on the Daily Show.
On to his finest 6 minutes with Leslie Stahl last night. Ooooo, Colbert. You hit the nail on the head. The comparison with the Nixon scandal to the Plame leak so nicely brought to the light the issues that most media outlets forget to pose: how this insignificant Plame leak could indict more than just a few kids low on the Bush todem pole. Leslie Stahl and her experience with Watergate showed that there are some similarities, and a few differences, between Whitewater and the Plame leak. What wonderful discourse!
Bravo, Colbert! (Just don't let the accolades get to your head, young man.)
Truly stinging news programs. When will Comedy Central post transcripts of the interviews for both shows, anyway? Or, better yet, when will comedy central spin off a comedy news channel to rival Faux, CNN, MSNBC, etc.?
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