Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Monty Python's Terry Jones and the Comedy of Terror

I gave my husband the collector's edition of Monty Python's Holy Grail for Christmas this year, even though I was never a fan of Monty Python. Little did I know that I, too, would enjoy the comedy of Monty Python this holiday season.

Terry Jones, a Monty Python player, has recently issued his Comedy of Terror awards. As with much of the political comedy anymore, I guess I can say that I laughed with disgust regarding the subject matter. Or maybe more like a whimsical giggle with disdain.

Sometimes the end of the year is a good time to air out that garbage that has been lingering for way too long. And Terry Jones again, let's us get another whiff of the pungent smells from the "war on terror" or was it the war on Christmas? (Maybe the Monty Python players could come back to do a War on Christmas movie...)

And maybe I would enjoy watching the Holy Grail, too.

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