Wednesday, August 03, 2005

We Are Fighting the Wrong War

Originally penned Friday, July 8, 2005

Yesterday’s bombings in London just go to show what the Islamic nation has been doing for at least the last decade or more: living amongst us.

Muslims have been moving out of their birth countries to regions of the world where the people and culture are very, very different from Islamic traditions. When I read reports that Islam was becoming a religion to contend with in Denmark, my ancestral home, I couldn’t believe it. However, the immigration and census reports did not lie. Christianity was being threatened by Islam, and even the natives are starting to change their protestant tune to an Arabian chant.

Psst. And they are here in the USA, too. Right after 9/11, the debate was set in Iowa over a government owned camp that was going to be leased to an Islamic group for $1. I believe the Army Corp. of Engineers accepted a modified version of the Muslim group’s proposed “youth camp.” Thus, there is an Islamic “youth” camp in Iowa, although I can’t seem to find any information about this Camp Heritage near North Liberty, Iowa, next to the Coralville Dam.

This is not a mistake. They are mingling in other geographic regions of the world for a reason. These are carefully planned actions by the Muslim community to take over the world. Whhh—whhhhhaaaa—whaaaat? I know what you’re thinking. I am going over the edge. This is way too radical thinking.

Well, say that to those poor few Germans who thought that after Hitler graced his country with prosperity and the good life, he would try to take over the world. He did try to take over the world, and he would have gotten away with it, too, if it weren’t for those meddling countries. Ah, I digress.

From what the Bush Administration spins, er talks about, they have no idea the magnitude of what they are dealing with. They think these are relatively small cells of terrorists doing this work centered in other parts of the world, with the help of some rogue countries. These people do not see themselves as terrorists, nor are they as small as we think they are. They are a large group of people that have relocated to places around the world, including the US, to carry out plans of covert actions to weaken public societies and accepted cultures. All in an attempt to change the world to their own brand of religion, public policy and government.

Actually Bush and his gang are playing into the hands of the Islamic nation. Bush’s foreign policy and the war on terror make others hate our form of government and ideologies. Thus, swaying more people to defect toward Muslim ideologies and become more involved with their cause.

We are putty in these Muslim factions that want to take over the world. The events of 9/11, instead of uniting our country, have divided the USA and have stripped everyday citizens of our rights and freedoms that previous soldiers died to defend. We have stripped ourselves of attitudes of peaceful tolerance and appropriately civil justice in exchange for righteous revenge. US Citizens are now becoming more accepting to the notion that we must forfeit our freedoms and rights to fight this battle against “terrorism.” Surrendering our freedoms and rights only weakens our societal foundation.

Issues that were mundane in the past are now the forefront of the media and politics, like homosexual marriage and abortion rights. This helps to create a thought process in a population that repression and intolerance is right, exactly what the radical Muslims want to see. It makes their job of clandestine conversion much easier. Even Christianity is becoming more and more twisted in the USA with fundamentalist Christian leaders working themselves into the political and governmental systems to dictate “their” agenda.

And their traditional agenda is changing, too. The more they spout about their pro-life stance in one arena, the more they are covertly giving their blessings to “pro-death” actions in another arena. They have no idea that these Muslims can use this to further twist Christianity into their version of Islamic faith.

Bush declared “war” on terrorism, but it is not a “war on terror” that these Muslims are waging. They are attempting to infiltrate into our public fabric and change the political, moral and religious fibers to a homogenous Islamic thread. And they are winning.

When all Christian churches in the world are lifted from their original foundations onto stilts, the foundation demolished, new foundations poured, and the original church is repositioned to face east, they will still be called Christian churches. Only the worship will be considerably different.

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