Tuesday, August 02, 2005

War is not Justice.

Originally penned Wednesday, June 29, 2005

The President of the US of A is claiming that terrorists in the same vain as Osama bin Laden are the insurgent terrorists fighting in Iraq. From my perspective, terrorists of Osama bin Laden don’t seem stupid enough to take on a military force like the US. Nor to use such insignificant and simply planned car bomb attacks to make a statement. Nor would they make such a statement in a war-torn country. Osama bin Laden is NOT behind the insurgency in Iraq.

Osama is sitting somewhere rounding up his own troops and they are most likely as I type, strategically planning their next attack against the United States. Osama and his buddies are safe somewhere, as the US is diverted with the war in Iraq. Osama is most likely enjoying his luxury to be able to plan his next hate-filled act, since we have pretty much ended the major attempts to find and persecute the mastermind of 9/11.

The Bush administration is hell-bent on fighting a war, not prosecuting Osama bin Laden. If this were not the case, then we would have been able to focus our intelligence and military forces and already have found Osama. He, and his trenchmen, would be serving their just sentences (life in prison, or execution) for violating criminal laws in the United States. No, justice for 9/11 was not the intention for Bush and Cheney, and their band of cohorts. They wanted war. War is not justice.

The two definitions of the noun war, as defined by dictionary.com:

A state of open, armed, often prolonged conflict carried on between nations, states, or parties.
The period of such conflict.
The techniques and procedures of war; military science.

A condition of active antagonism or contention: a war of words; a price war.
A concerted effort or campaign to combat or put an end to something considered injurious: the war against acid rain.
Dubya’s war is marked by the first definition, regardless of the spin he puts on it to make it sound like it is the war to end terrorism. Terrorism will not die. As long as there are vengeful, prideful, spiteful people, there will be terrorism. The terrorists see the US actions as terrorism. Thus, the US is also a terrorist.

The five definitions of the noun justice, as defined by dictionary.com:
The quality of being just; fairness.

The principle of moral rightness; equity.
Conformity to moral rightness in action or attitude; righteousness.

The upholding of what is just, especially fair treatment and due reward in accordance with honor, standards, or law.
Law. The administration and procedure of law.
Conformity to truth, fact, or sound reason: The overcharged customer was angry, and with justice.
Abbr. J. Law.
A judge.
A justice of the peace.
After 9/11, I, and many of my fellow Americans, wanted to see justice. Instead, we got revenge with a hate-filled, prideful, spiteful war against a country that had very little to do with 9/11. (Mind you, the majority of the terrorists that struck on 9/11 were Saudi nationals.) Is this just to you? How would we feel if Canadian terrorists attacked Russia, and then Russia decided to counterattack the US and leave Canada unscathed, even though the terrorists were from Canada?

Justice is what I want to see happening. Justice is not going to a country and destroying the lives and well-being of millions of innocent Iraqi citizens. Justice is not being served when we see over 2,000 of US troops, and the lives of soldiers from other countries, killed because of an unspecific war, supposedly on terror (and WMD, and Sadam Hussein), in Iraq.

The insurgency in Iraq is not due to terrorists. The insurgency is due to the fact that we are unjustly meddling in the affairs of another country. The insurgents are justifiably mad-as-hell at the US because we have destroyed a civil society. Unfortunately, their gut reaction to fight is not necessarily the right way to get the effect they want, if it is to get the US out of Iraq.

If the insurgents were as smart as Osama bin Laden and his gang, they would not have started the car bombings and suicide attacks. If the people of Iraq, and especially the insurgents, want the US to get out of their country, they need to start acting civil and form organized groups that can plan their strategy, just like Osama is right now in a more deviant way, so they can get on with their lives. This will, hopefully, give a good reason for the US to get our troops out of Iraq and let the Iraqis fend out their “new country” for themselves and make it what Iraqis want to make it.

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