Tuesday, August 02, 2005

The Daily Show: Reporting the Obvious

Originally penned Wednesday, July 13, 2005

What would our country be without the Daily Show's reporting the obvious? I don't know why other news shows don't want to report the obvious... Oh, wait. Look what they did to the Wilson/Plume family after his editorial... Oh, and poor CBS News. God, er George forbid that a "reputable" news source report the obvious.

That is the beauty of the Daily Show. They outwardly claim they are a "fake" news show. IMHO, the only "fake" part of their news show is when they show these "fake" reports from the reputable news shows. What they joke about is the truth, and sometimes just reporting the true, obvious news is sadly funny in and of itself.

Sometimes humor is the best medicine for our ailing country. It definitely helps take some of the pain away to watch DS after FOX or CNN, who if they were truthful, would say THEY are "fake" news. Both are way too subjective and biased to be true news shows.

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