Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Maybe I'm Still On Vacation?

Wow. George W. Bush goes on vacation, and I just get back from vacation, and voila... I am not so upset about current events. I don't know if it is just the vibes from a nice relaxing vacation that give me the aura of everything is right with the world or what, but I might have to rethink my blog this week.

I am just not upset or driven to write about any certain topic. I try. Really, I do. I keep checking Google News to see if there's something that justs gets me, but no. Nothing.

The first female commander-in-chef at the White House is named, and all I think is ahhh, that's nice. Hurray for women's lib. Whatever.

Denmark decides not to create a flag war with Canada over Hans Island, some dinky ice chip off the coast of Greenland. Good. Diplomatic strategies of talking it out usually work for foreign countries, just not with the USA and muslim countries.

Planes keep crashing everywhere. Tremors in Japan. High school football is about to start up again.

Crawford, TX is invaded by... aliens? I wish. No. Fanatic anti-war protesters. What else is new, anymore?

Is the news truly NEWS if it is not new? OK. That thought is a bit too difficult for me to ponder right now.

Where's my margarita?

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