Monday, November 07, 2005

Something's Rotten in the State of Denmark...

Hamlet could not have stated it better... And it's not just in the state of Denmark. Hmmmm... It reminds me of something I wrote this past summer about Muslims infiltrating Europe. De ja vu? Oh, speaking of the French, what did they do to upset the Muslims so much? Cappucino too hot, or too cold? Not enough froth? And what about the isolated incidents of riots in Denmark? What's wrong with the Danish? They give you a cheese danish when you wanted an apple one?

I'm waiting for the day when the peaceful Muslims get together to protest the militant Muslim's actions and start singing REM's "Losing My Religion." But, I won't hold my breath on that. Oh, well.

Someone should check and make sure that those Europeans aren't getting lead poisoned in small doses, or that their rye bread doesn't have some odd infestations.

I wonder what Rosencranz and Guildenstern are saying as they dig those graves at the graveyard??

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