Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Blog Nog

The holidays are fast approaching! Are you ready? Nah? Me, neither.

Make some Blog Nog this year and get in the mood for the holidays! This is enough to serve a small party, or to over-indulge a party of one or two.

12 Egg Yolks, whipped
1 pound Granulated Sugar
1 quart Whole Milk
1 quart heavy cream, lightly whipped
12 Egg Whites, lightly whipped
1 cup Spiced Rum
1/2 cup Your Choice:
Scotch Whiskey (salute Scotch Tape, mighty conquerer of Sony's copy protected CDs
http://informationweek.com/story/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=174400748" target="_blank">)
Bourbon (remember Katrina)
Vodka (commemorate the new Russian Black Sea pipeline), or
Brandy (honor the tradition of spinning proper-ganda)

Beat egg yolks in a large mixing bowl and set aside.
In a saucepan over low heat, stir in whole milk and sugar.
Take the saucepan off the heat, and slowly pour mixture into eggs in the large mixing bowl, stirring constantly.
Put mixture back into saucepan and cook on low heat, stirring constantly and making sure it doesn't boil, until thickened.

Remove from heat and cool, then stir in vanilla, rum and your choice of liquor.
Chill 3-4 hours in refridgerator.

Make a heavenly cream by folding the lightly whipped heavy cream and egg whites together, then fold the heavenly cream in with the chilled mixture.
Serve Blog Nog cold and garnish with freshly ground nutmeg.

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