Tuesday, September 06, 2005

"Presidential Prayer" Website Priorities

When the 9/11 attacks were viewed by anyone of faith, I am sure the majority of us were praying for the victims of the attacks and to find justice and peace through the ordeal. Apparently, people of faith are unable to find topics to pray about on our own anymore, and need a website to coordinate and prioritize our prayers, especially for the president of the United States.

Check it out: http://www.presidentialprayerteam.org/

This website actually has a board of directors, and a president/CEO! Currently, the bulk of the first page is about Hurricane Katrina, and praying for the president. Wonderful. The website also has "prayer points" like the Republican party spokespeople's talking points. Hmmmm... Does God work better when everyone prays the same words and prayer points? They also have a small area that links to an area where you can post prayer requests.

In some ways it is good to have a website that faithful can post prayer requests and intentions, however, it seems that this website seems more corporate than spiritual. However, the premise that we need to pray for our president is definitely needed, and now more than ever. Now, is the time that we pray, not only for our own repentance for sin and renewal of our faith, trust, and honest walk with God, but that we pray for our president to do the same.

Regardless of the president, we ought to pray that he/she walk with God, and hold to the true value of God's people, all people, as Jesus saw our value. And, pray that when we hear Jesus respond to our repentance with "Go, and sin no more," that our president hears and heeds the same clear advice.

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