Friday, September 08, 2006

More Lies?

Don't you think we've heard enough lies and half-truths, if you will, about any and all links to 9/11?? Now, the ABC mini-series docu-drama "Path to 9/11" that will air this Sunday and Monday is reported to stray from 9/11 commission report and fictionalizes key scenes.

Sounds a lot to me like what the DaVinci Code did to Christianity...

Oh, and it gets deeper... Apparently, there's a darker mission in ABC's "Path to 9/11": Pinning the blame on former President Bill Clinton. The documentary's creators are aledging that the Clinton administration let Osama bin Laden get away in the 90s, as they think that at that time the CIA had several chances to nab him. Osama bin Laden? Wasn't he the CIA's best friend in Afganistan? Oh, right. That was the 80s. I just keep getting stuck in the 80s! Love that music.

Whoa... Letting Osama bin Laden get away? I thought I heard some strange report that in the height of the war on terror in Afganistan, George W. Bush let Osama bin Laden get away? Maybe the creators of "Path to 9/11" are getting their wires crossed and are confused about the timeline of events?

At the time of the Clinton presidency, bin Laden had been a minor terrorist to American interests. There were few that got super-enraged about the strikes bin Laden's posse made on Americans in foreign lands. Few media sources really trumped what bin Laden was doing in 90s as a major evil terroristic force. Remember, we were still reeling from Khaddafi.

Even before the 9/11 attacks, the Bush Administration on September 10th put together a strategy to deal with the Taliban. If the bin Laden and al-Qaeda were such a "menace", if you will, to the US, then both the Clinton and Bush Administrations both really dropped the ball on this one.

Oh, wait. Osama bin Laden is wanted by the FBI for..."murder of U.S. Nationals outside the United States; Conspiracy to murder U.S. Nationals outside the United States; Attack on a federal facility resulting in death." It mentions the August 7, 1998 bombings of the United States Embassies in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, and Nairobi, Kenya, but no mention of September 11, 2001. What?

So, Osama is still free out there to plot and reign as terror king. Why?

Ok, if there are no other truths out there lurking, let's just say that the ball was dropped by both administrations on this whole Osama (Usama) bin Laden thing. I'm sure there are reasons behind it.

It's not just the Clinton Administration's fault, especially when the Republican Party was in process to impeach Clinton for enjoying some hanky-panky in the White House.

And when the filmmakers sent copies to important people, including Republican pundit Rush Limbaugh, but sent no copies to Democratic interests and especially not to the Clinton Administration depicted in the film...I'm sure there are reasons behind it.

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