Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Iowa Stops Funeral Picketing

Can you believe that someone would want to have a protest at a funeral? Get this: A Kansas City church wants to protest at an Iowa National Guardsman funeral. Why? Because this church believes that our soldiers are dying because they are fighting for a country (the US) that allows homosexuality. This article went so far to say that God is killing our soldiers! What kind of weed is this church smoking??

Jesus did not protest at any funerals. In fact, when one of his diciples wanted to bury his father, Jesus said, "let the dead bury the dead." What did Jesus mean? Are funerals a folly? A waste of time? Thus, would this mean that protest at a funeral would be doubly foolish?

Maybe this Kansas City church doesn't follow Jesus, because Jesus would not lead them down the road to protest at a funeral. "Let the dead bury the dead."

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