There's nothing like getting a bunch of local Democrats together, and last night's rally at Wild Rose Casino in Emmetsburg reaffirmed my belief that Democrats are wild for their country.
Sure, it was like a high school pep rally, with all the rah-rah cheers and coaching staff hyping everyone to think that we can make a difference. Yes, we can make a difference, I thought. Yes, my vote just might make a change in our country's direction.
As an "unbiased" member of the media, I extinguished those thoughts for the rest of the rally.
Note: Although I serve a very, very small base of listeners, I am apparently exempt from the first amendment, lest others think I am partial and drawn to one side simply out of loyalty. Which, to me, is complete hogwash, as I am about as impartial as they come (with the exception of the truth, which I support over any bias I might hold) and I want to expose various perspectives and views that surround an issue.
Iowa Senator Jack Kibbie emceed the rally, in Jack Kibbie style, of course. Local and state Democratic officials and candidates were on hand to voice their views and concerns about the state of affairs. Chet Culver, candidate for Iowa Governor, was there promoting his ideals to lead Iowa. Dr. Seldon Spencer, candidate for US Congress in Iowa's 4th District, spoke how he wants to motivate change in congress.
Same old, same old talk. Go, team, go! Rah! Rah. Rah... Don't get me wrong, rallies are a good way to motivate your base. It's just that they don't usually motivate the people that need motivating. Democrats talk of values and morals, just like the Republicans have done in 2000, 2002, and 2004. Neither side is innocent.
"We are in perilous times...," headliner John Kerry told the standing room only crowd. This Kerry fellar has some "idears", some big "idears" for these perilous times
Kerry's first "idear": Tell the Truth. Ok, Ok... This is a big one, because we all know how difficult it is for any politician to do this, Republicans and Democrats alike. And even those other political parties are not immune. Politicians will do whatever it takes for their constituents, whether they be in Iowa, California, Texas, Exxon, Diebolt or Halliburton. That's just the fact of the political process in the good ole US of A. Kerry went on, saying how he wants to "hold people accountable" and "fire incompetence."
Kerry's second "idear": Export Products, Not Jobs. But how would Wal-mart be able to keep their prices low with a smiley face? We all know that it is better to keep prices low over jobs, because if we gave the lower classes jobs, then that would mean that there is hope, and the only hope there is, is located in Arkansas, and we all know that's where Bill Clinton is from. And that is why Republicans don't want to create any more Hope, because that may create more Bill Clintons.
Kerry's third "idear": Energy independence. Sure, maybe one week of the Iraq war could pay to put an alternative fuel pump in every gas station in the US, but do we really need it? Isn't so much nicer to share, like with the Saudis? They apparently make great bed pals, just ask our president. Moving on...
Kerry's fourth "idear": One of the biggest challenges facing us: Global Climate Change. Kerry says we have ten precious years to change our environment. This is a non-issue for Republicans, because it doesn't exist in the Republican world. 'Nuff said.
Kerry's fifth "idear": A Tax Code that Values Work, Not Wealth. I'm sure Kerry's wife cringes when he starts off on this. What Kerry and others on Capitol Hill fail to realize is that our capitalist society rewards wealth and power. And it is that wealth and power that makes the rules. Which is why the tax code will always value work and tax the working class to the limit, just because it can. Every policy this country has put into place in the last five years, from No Child Left Behind to the Iraq War, is all about winners and losers. None of these policies define an "everyone wins" situation, only because it does not exist in a capitalist country. If we want everyone to win, we'd be called a "socialist" or "communist" country, now, wouldn't we?...
Kerry's sixth "idear": Set a Date for Iraqis to Stand Up for Iraq and Set Up a Democracy for Themselves as much as We Want it for Them. Then, bring our heros home. Kerry explains that having deadlines is how teachers and bosses work. Hasn't Kerry heard the song "You Can't Hurry Love..."??
A wonderful pep rally, really. I just kind of wonder if we aren't playing the wrong game??...
Well, there's my doublethink on the local Democrat Rally. Doublethink. Devil's advocate, if you will. There's always two sides to a story, and then there's the truth. At least, that's how I see it.
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